Combating Antisemitism

Combating Antisemitism

June 27, 2023
1:15 PM

Combating Antisemitism in Montgomery County

Bender JCC Group Exercise Studio B

Join the JCC Men’s Club for a special lecture by Ron Halber, JCRC Executive Director. Nationally, the number of reported incidents of antisemitic, assaults, harassment and vandalism increased by 36 percent last year to an average of more than 10 per day. Local data shows even more alarming data with the number of antisemitic incidents in Montgomery County growing by 261 percent in the last year. Mr. Halber, a highly-soughtafter speaker on local and national Jewish affairs who has led the JCRC since 2001, will talk about the factors behind the rise in hostility against Jews, what his agency is doing to combat antisemitism and how you can help. Open to the community. – Also, on Zoom.

For more information, contact Toby Gottesman at or 301-520-8050.