PACE Parenting and Childhood Education

PACE Parenting and Childhood Education

Starts April 23, 2024 - Ends May 29, 2024
12:30 - 2:30 PM

Fall dates coming soon.

Becoming a mom changes everything!

You may be thinking: Am I doing this right? How are other moms coping? Does anyone feel the way I do?

You do not need to go through it alone. Join a PACE group with people going through the same things you are, at the same time.

  • LEARN: Group leaders are mental health professionals and moms.
  • SHARE: Open up without being judged.
  • CONNECT: Build lasting relationships with women who totally get it.


Price: $375

After you register, PACE will contact you about available groups close to where you live. Submission of the inquiry form does not guarantee placement in a specific group. PACE is now offering in person groups! The Bender JCC is excited to be the in-person location for nearby families.