Who Are We?
A lively group just for men over 60!
Make new friends and develop your social network. Chat with other guys on a variety of subjects ranging from religion and politics to marriage and divorce.
Why Join?
For men, the workplace, oftentimes, provides a source of structure and social relationships. After retirement, a lack of that structure and the means for developing and maintaining relationships becomes more difficult.
What We Do
- Participate in discussions about current events, relationships, health, and any issue that interests participants!
- Weekly & Bi-Weekly groups like Poker Group, Book Club & Dining Out! For more information about a particular group, see detailed descriptions below.
***The group collects $50 for refreshments, guest speakers, and other fun additions. That’s your fee for the entire year!***
Contact Men’s Club Leadership
For more information, please contact Jay Doniger at benjccgwmensclub@gmail.com or Toby Gottesman at 240-221-3553.
General Meeting | Poker Group | Dining Out Group | Poetry Group | Yiddish Language Group | Film Group | Investment Group | Men’s Health | Talk Sports | Special Events & Lectures
General Meeting | Two Options Per Week
The heart of the Men’s Club are the regular general meetings held every Tuesday and Wednesday. Members (and guests) may come to either one or the other, both, or neither sessions. These meetings give us an opportunity to get to know each other better while sharing thoughts and opinions on a range of topics. Meetings are facilitated by a volunteer member who leads discussions on a variety of topics he selects. They may be in the areas of personal issues, current events, economic, social, or political issues of the day, financial matters, Judaism and Israel, technology, etc.
We intersperse our regular meetings periodically with an outside expert lecture on a topic of interest, such as health, politics, government, science, etc. We also have some social events, such as Chanukah and Purim parties, an annual luncheon, a Halloween pizza party, and birthday celebrations. Once a month, we break up into smaller discussion groups.
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Tuesday Meeting | 1:15 PM
When? | Tuesdays | 1:15 PM
Where? | In-person & Virtual (online) meeting using Zoom
Wednesday Meeting | 1:30 PM
When? | Wednesdays | 1:30 PM
Where? | In-person & Virtual (online) meeting using Zoom
Poker Group
Wednesdays | 7:00 PM
There are 2 poker games:
Poker Game #1
Wednesday evenings at 7 PM
Ron Kligman Home – Call Ron Kligman (240-606-8500)
Poker Game #2
Second & Fourth Thursday evenings at 7 PM
Vince Berg Home – Call Vince Berg (301-257-8362)
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Dining Out Group
Fridays | 1:30 PM
Poetry Group
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Wednesday of Every Month | 12:45 PM
The Poetry Group is led by Ron Kligman. It meets on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Wednesday of each month at 12:45 PM in the JCC Library. For more information or to join the group, please contact Ron at ron357@comcast.net or 240-606-8500.
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Yiddish Language Group
1st & 3rd Fridays of Every Month | 11:30 AM
This group meets in the Bender JCC IAC Room (Old Library) on the first and third Friday of every month at 11:30 AM.
Virtual (online) meeting using Zoom
For more information or to be add to the email list contact Vince Berg at 301-257-8362.
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Film Group
Meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of Each Month at 3:00 PM
Investment Groups
Friday at 9:00 AM and the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 3:00 PM
Men’s Investment Group 1 meets using Zoom weekly on Friday mornings at 9:00 AM. It is led by Steve Sherman who is both a CPA and an attorney and has extensive experience in both long-term investments and trading. The group discusses all types of investment styles such as value or growth investing, the use of stock options, stock charts, financial ratios, etc. It discusses individual stocks or industry sectors for investing and current market events. All participants are encouraged to share their views on various investment types including dividend stocks, growth stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs. They also discuss their own investment portfolios and strategies and comment on general market conditions. If you wish to participate in any of these meetings contact Steve Sherman at steveasherman1@gmail.com or 202-244-5950 and he will send you a Zoom invitation.
Men’s Investment Group 2. Gary Katz leads a second investment club. This group will meet in the Social Hall (or Gallery) every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. These meetings will be in-person only with no option for virtual participation. Its focus will be its members’ approach to investing in specific stocks or mutual funds which distinguish this group from Investment Group 1. Other topics would, of course, be welcome. If you are interested in becoming a part of this group, please contact Gary at garykatz2@comcast.net or 847 212 7490 (c).
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Men's Health Group (Let's Talk Men's Health)
Meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 12:45 PM
In-person & Virtual using Zoom
The Men’s Health Group envisions bringing in physicians (or other health care professionals) with different specialties to discuss topics of interest. It will be run by a committee of physicians led by Dr. Victor Steiger. If you would like to join the committee, please contact Victor at VictorSteiger5@Gmail.com. The plan is to have a 30-to-40-minute lecture, followed by 15 minutes of open discussion. No personal medical or surgical advice or guidance will be given. To enable an open/frank discussion, attendance is restricted to Men’s Club members and prospective members.
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Talk Sports Group
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month on Zoom or at a local restuarant
This group meets using Zoom or at a local restaurant at 1:00 PM, respectively, on the second and fourth Monday of each month. The group is emceed by David Frank and has fun talking about the sports you want to talk about. Please contact David at dsfran@gmail.com or 301-452-3259(c) if you wish to join the group and receive Zoom information.
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Special Lectures & Group Events
Past Events
History of past events
American History Through a Jewish Lens
- Click Here to read the story!
National Museum of American Jewish Military History
- Click Here to read the story
Trip to the Capital Jewish Museum
- Click Here to read the story
Trip to the National Cryptologic Museum
- Click Here to read the story
Trip to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
College Park Aviation Museum Tour
Third Cabin John Park Picnic
Men’s Health Group
Second Annual Cabin John Park Picnic
Big Train Picnic
Excursion to the Cloud
Tour Holocaust Museum
Tour Amazon Fulfillment Center
Trolley Museum Tour
Tour Monocacy Battlefield
Cabin John Park Picnic
Ed Chikadel Tribute
Doctors Day
Trip to the Library of Congress
Tour of the Montgomery County Recycling Center
Trip to The Museum of the Bible
Trip to The National Museum of Health & Medicine
Visit to Strathmore Music Center
Hannukah Party 2017
Tour of Washington Nations Park