Around Town

around town


Links- Connecting through Jewish Study

Discover the timeless wisdom of the Jewish tradition with the dynamic study of personally relevant, meaningful, and life-impacting topics.

Every Wednesday, 7-8 PM at the Bender JCC; 6125 Montrose Road Rockville MD 20852

To register visit or contact Rabbi Hillel Shaps at

Capital Camps Tours
Attention prospective families. Meet our Camp staff and learn why Summer 2025 will be the best summer!

Sports Plus

Offering virtual programming for differently-abled that reaches through the screen to engage participants!  For more information, please go to their website at

Private Prep is offering a great academic skills workshop for middle schoolers having a hard time getting organized or developing their study skills.  JCC Members get $50 off their first invoice with Private Prep

Disability Partnerships

Disability Partnerships is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Rockville, Maryland that seeks to improve the quality of life for persons living with physical disabilities. They created a survey on the health and wellness needs of the physically disabled in our area. Click here to take the survey.