How the US Army Manages/Addresses Environmental Issues/Matters

How the US Army Manages/Addresses Environmental Issues/Matters

April 1, 2025
1:15 PM

JCC Social Hall

Join the JCC Men’s Club for a special talk by Ken Juris. This presentation will focus on the work of the US Army Environmental Center (USAEC), for which Ken worked for 16 years as the civilian Technical Director/Deputy to the Commander. The USAEC can be described as similar in some ways to a Corporate Environmental Department for a company with a large number of operating plants and facilities. In the case of the US Army, the operating plants and facilities are the various types of Army installations located in the US.

Open to the community, all are welcome. Also, you can see it on Zoom. 

Click here for Zoom link

For more information, contact David Gross at or 202-744-9047.

All Bender JCC programs are open to everyone. Contact Kate Falls, Director of Inclusion, at or 301.348.3767 to discuss support and accommodations.