Josephus’s Masada Story: Martyrs, Murders, and Myth

Josephus’s Masada Story: Martyrs, Murders, and Myth

March 30, 2025
7:30 PM

Presented By Jonathan Klawans – Boston University

The story of mass suicide at Masada has been told by our only contemporary source, Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian, priest, autobiographer and general. Although his histories may have been written, at least in part, for a Roman audience, this presentation evaluates the story in the context of ancient Jewish sectarianism and nationalism.

The validity of the story in light of Josephus’s biases and motivations will be probed, and taken into consideration will be the attitudes toward suicide and martyrdom as articulated by Josephus and other ancient Jewish sources.

Also explored will be the meanings the story has taken on in contemporary Israeli history and culture with comparisons to some more recent stories of tragic mass suicide.

Co-sponsored by B’nai Israel Congregation, The Haberman Institute for Jewish Studies, BAF, and BASONOVA

*This event will be held at B’nai Israel: 6301 Montrose Road / Rockville / MD 20852

Contact Donald Kane for more information:

All Bender JCC programs are open to everyone. Contact Kate Falls, Director of Inclusion, at or 301.348.3767 to discuss support and accommodations.