10:00 – 11:00 AM | $10/child | $5/adult | Pavilion
Passover is one of the yummiest and most fun holidays of the year! Join the Bender JCC in a party for your taste buds even your littlest ones will love. Especially because food will be handed out by one of your favorite furry cookie-loving monsters!!!!
We’ll also learn fun Passover facts, create crafts, and enjoy PJ Library storytime. We invite you to keep the fun going at outdoor playground.
This program is also a great opportunity to share food with others. In partnership with Good Deeds Week, we will be collecting fruit for Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA) Meals on Wheels. JSSA currently delivers to 70 individuals in Montgomery County through their Kosher Meals on Wheels program. The older adults they serve would love to have some fresh fruit such as mandarin oranges, oranges, apples, kosher fruit cups, and kosher applesauce cups to enjoy along with their meals from the Hebrew Home.
For questions, please contact Jennifer Radosh at jradosh@benderjccgw.org.
All Bender JCC programs are open to everyone. Contact Kate Falls, Director of Inclusion, at kfalls@benderjccgw.org or 301.348.3767 to discuss support and accommodations.
Presented by the Bender JCC, Good Deeds Day, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, and PJ Library.