Sleep(less): Better Sleep for Your Children

Sleep(less): Better Sleep for Your Children

May 2, 2025
8:30 - 9:30 AM

Are you struggling to deal with your child’s sleep? Is waking up in the middle of the night becoming a problem for your children?

Erin Metheny will cover common obstacles and pitfalls that lead to poor sleeping habits and her approach to a better night of sleep for the whole family.

She will also set aside time for Q & A.

Please feel free to email with specific issues you are facing, and Erin will try to fold them into her presentation. All Bender JCC programs are open to everyone. Contact Kate Falls, Director of Inclusion, at or 301.348.3767 to discuss support and accommodations.

About Erin

Erin Metheny is a certified pediatric sleep consultant, a licensed marriage & family therapist, a Good Inside parent coach in training, and a mom of two. She specializes in helping families become well-rested and connected by providing the necessary tools for independent sleep while maintaining healthy attachment.

Erin Metheny, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Good Inside Parent Coach in training


This event is cosponsored with PJ Library and Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. This program is sponsored by Fern Weiland