The Future of Israel and its Defenders

The Future of Israel and its Defenders



English | Documentary | Free
Canada, 2022 | 52 Minutes
Screening at Leisure World, Clubhouse II, 3300 N. Leisure World
Blvd., Silver Spring, MD

A captivating, colorful and vibrant documentary, “The Future of Israel and its Defenders” presents contemporary perspectives of critical issues affecting Israel today through the lens of experts, military strategists, “start-up-nation” leaders, journalists and current and former political leaders. The film features the new emerging face of Israel, one that is proud and feels normalized among its neighbors and the world community. Despite the defamation campaigns and rising global antisemitism, Israelis are feeling stronger than ever, particularly following the signing of The Abraham Accords. This is a film that will uplift your spirit about Israel’s future and inspire and empower your community to renew its commitment to the Jewish State.


Questions? Call 301-348-3832.