Ying Quartet

Ying Quartet

March 16, 2025
3:00 PM


Tickets available soon!

March 16 | 3:00 PM | $55/Individual concert (starting September 2) | $250/All 6 Polinger Artists of Excellence concerts (by September 1)

Ying Quartet

The Ying Quartet occupies a position of unique prominence in the classical music world, combining brilliantly communicative performances with a fearlessly imaginative view of chamber music in today’s world. Now in its third decade, the Quartet has established itself as an ensemble of the highest musical qualifications. Their performances regularly take place in many of the world’s most important concert halls; at the same time, the Quartet’s belief that concert music can also be a meaningful part of everyday life has also drawn the foursome to perform in settings as diverse as the workplace, schools, juvenile prisons, and the White House. In fact, the Ying Quartet’s constant quest to explore the creative possibilities of the string quartet has led it to an unusually diverse array of musical projects and interests.

“The Ying Quartet came as close to the ideal as possible, delivering chamber music of astonishing, refreshing exaltation and exhilaration.”
-The Los Angeles Times

Questions? Please contact Marcie Blackman at mblackman@benderjccgw.org or 301.348.3808.

All Bender JCC programs are open to everyone. Contact Kate Falls, Director of Inclusion, at kfalls@benderjccgw.org or 301.348.3767 to discuss support and accommodations.