Joe Yasharoff
Joe Yasharoff was born in England, and moved to Maryland when he was eight years old. Never did he dream of a career in sports television that would last over 25 years and bring him up close and personal to some of the greatest athletes and sporting events of the last quarter century. The Walt Whitman High School and University of Maryland grad started his television career at WTTG (now Fox5) in 1986 working there for almost 15 years serving as Executive Sports Producer for JCC Hall of Famers Steve Buckhantz and Dave Feldman. In 2001 he was one of the original hires at Comcast SportsNet Mid-Atlantic where he is now the Managing Editor of News. Joe has won 11 Emmy awards over the years. Some of his “greatest hits” include creating the Ovech-kam, producing the “Oh RG3, Oh RG3” video and signing country singer Maggie Rose to write CSN’s football theme song, “Get Ya Game On.” One of Joe’s biggest career thrills was covering Super Bowl XXII in San Diego in 1988 when he stood in the end zone where Doug Williams famously threw four touchdowns in the second quarter to beat the Broncos. On the playing field, his biggest thrill was being a part of the 1979-80 JCC National Championship team coached by Jackie Loube.