We want to stay connected during this time of social distancing. Here we have gathered resources to help stay in shape, entertained, and learning and creating. New links are added to the top of the list. Also, like us on Facebook for posts throughout the day. Please refer to our reopening page for program updates.

Resource Links - click for drop-down menu
We post new links to our Facebook page throughout the day
- Wednesdays | JChats with Josh Bender Live on Facebook at 10:30 AM
- Register for Hebrew Classes – all levels
- Mondays | Coffee and Kibbitz
- December 21 | CINEMA J: ASK DR. RUTH Film Screening & Discussion
- January 7 | The Lessans Family Literary Series Presents
Red Sea Spies: The True Story of Mossad’s Fake Diving Resort
Author, Raffi Berg in conversation with Mossad commander, Dani Limor - January 10 | Cinema J at Home Presents: The True Story behind Netflix’s The Red Sea Diving Resort
- January 14 | The Wonders of Coney Island
- Mah Jongg Class
- Lifetime of Perspective Virtual Exhibit
- Broadway shows on YouTube – The Show Must Go On
- The Boston Pops at Home
- Hadassah/Bender JCC Book Club has gone virtual. If you would like to participate, contact Ellen Elow-Mintz ellenlovesbooks54@gmail.com. Below is the upcoming schedule (all meetings at 1 PM):
- September 10 | Here All Along by Sarah Hurwitz
- Make Chocolate Chip Banana Bread with Chef Rachell Bitton
- A “Live Salon” with Israel Museum’s Senior Curator
- GenTech YouTube Channel for Tech Classes
- Tuesdays Moments Mag Happy Hour
- Yom Ha’atzmaut Spotify Playlist
- Chef Rachell Pita Bread Recipe
- Chef Rachell Israeli Salad Recipe
- Chef Rachell Hummus Recipe
- Chef Rachell Mangal Grilled Chicken Recipe
- Grill along with Rachell Bitton
- “History Conversations” with Montgomery County Historical Society
- Virtual programs from Senior Planet Montgomery
- Sharing with our grandchildren from afar
- Thursdays at 7 PM | Evolving Minds Weekly Live Video on Mindfulness
- Tour Company in the Washington Jewish Week
- Sign-up for the Senior Call Check through the State of Maryland
- How Grandparents can remain connected
- 7th Art Releasing Wishes You Good Health!
- Sara Lapidus from GenTech for Bender JCC – Zoom Tutorial
- J Cooking with Rachell Bitton – Flourless Chocolate Cake
- J Cooking with Rachell Bitton – Moroccan Fish
- Unorthodox discussion | View replay
- Join the JxJ Film and Discussion Group
- Virtual Tours of Famous Castles
- IAC @ Home Events for Adults
- Resource packet for older adults during Covid-19
- Interested in joining the Men’s Club’s Tuesday and Wednesday Zoom Meetings? Contact Jay Doniger
- Nightly met opera streams
- Join Andrew Lloyd Webber for full-length musicals every Friday!
- 12 Virtual Museum Tours you can take from your couch
- Cirque de Soleil 60-minute specials
- Join us for our first Bender JCC Virtual Book Club – “House on Endless Waters” by Emuna Elon
Watch the replay password: 9t.1=9Ze - The National Council on Aging is offering an outreach service called the Friendship Line. It provides a caring ear and friendly conversation whenever you need or want it, 24-7.Call 800-971-0016.
Children & Family

Resource Links - click for drop-down menu
We post new links to our Facebook page throughout the day
- Club J All Day – REGISTRATION OPEN Learn More
- Sports Plus – Providing virtual fitness and social programs to children and teens on the autism spectrum and other differing abilities
- December 10 | Bim Bom Bag Chanukah
- December 10 – 17 | 8 Nights Of Lights
- December 11 | Virtual Author Talk: Happy Llamakah
- December 12 | Chanukah in the Home
- December 13 | In-Person Chanukah Candle Lighting Celebration at the J!
- December 14 | Cooking with the Kagins Chanukah Edition
- December 14 | Tot Shabbat Chanukah edition
- December 15 | Bite-Sized Fun
- December 16 | Virtual Author Talk: The Ninth Night of Hanukkah
- December 17 | Afternoon Sillies Chanukah Edition
- December 25 | IN PERSON Family Fun Day: Shabbat Playgroup
- December 25 | VIRTUAL Family Fun Day: Making Movie Time Snacks!
- December 25 | VIRTUAL Family Fun Day: Family Movie Trivia!
- January 8 | Shabbat Shabbang
- January 13 | VIRTUAL Solving your Little One’s Sleeplessness
- January 14 | Bim Bom Bag Tu BiShvat
- February 11 | Bim Bom Bag Chesed
- Virtual Camp JCC
- Sports Plus Remote
- Epic! – A digital reading platform for kids 12 and under.
- Virtual Youth Karate Classes
- Tuesday Community Story Time & Show and Tell
- Virtual Shabbat Playgroup
- The Yo-Yo Mo Show: An Evening of Musical Doodling
- Bake Cookies with Dre, Kids in the Kitchen and KAS Instructor
- Family Caregiving: From Sesame Street Communities
- Handling Emergencies: From Sesame Street Communities
- Health Emergencies: From Sesame Street Communities
(This page was developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic): - Traumatic Experiences: From Sesame Street Communities
- Gonoodle.com – activities to keep kids moving
- Broadway shows on YouTube – The Show Must Go On
- Metropolitan Opera – free live streaming shows
- Farmland Elementary New Student and Kindergarten Enrollment for 2020-2021 School Year
- See the Virtual Community Family Shabbat
- Children’s books read aloud by authors
- Create your own Wash Your Hands lyrics
- Spread Kindness Free Printables
- Fun things to do at home with kids
- Coach Caroline’s Swimming Skills from the bathtub
- Thursdays at 7 PM | Evolving Minds Weekly Live Video on Mindfulness
- “Get Moving” Bender JCC YouTube Playlist for kids with sports, drills and dancing
- Sing and Dance along with Camp JCC
- Israeli Flag Coloring Page
- Hamsa Coloring Page
- Camel Coloring Page
- Twelve Tribes of Israel Word Search
- Cities of Israel Word Search
- Israeli Games
- Israeli Crafts
- Shabbat Mindfulness Video for kids
- Healthy Activities for Kids to do At Home
- IAC @ Home Activities for Kids
- IAC @ Home Activities for Teens
- Learning Undefeated At-Home Science Resources
- PJ Library Resources for Quarantined Families
- Stretching with Anthony
- Celebrities reading books
- Basketball dribbling with Coach Kindy
- “Pete The Cat I Love My White Shoes” storytime with Lauren
- At Home STEM with Abby Weisman
- Little Blue and Little Yellow storytime with Orit Janco-Golan
- Josh Gad (Olaf) Storytime
- Mo Willems Livestream Doodle
- TIlicia Book (Dubim) Teacher from Bender ECC reading various books
- Bender JCC Preschool Challah Recipe – Since it is for the classroom it is enough to make some to leave on your neighbors’ doorsteps
Health & Fitness

Resource Links - click for drop-down menu
We post new links to our Facebook page throughout the day
- Parkinson’s Wellness Classes
- Join our Group Exercise via Zoom
- Workout with Lior Kleiner
- Stair workout with Jessica
- Barre arm workout with Jessica
- Kids yoga lesson plans
- Meditate with Jellyfish at Monterey bay aquarium, daily!
- View the Free Les Mills at-home workout videos
The content of Bender JCC video is for entertainment only. JCC is not a medical organization and its instructors or staff cannot provide medical advice or diagnosis.
Physical exercise in all forms, even without equipment, is a strenuous physical activity. As such, you should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this fitness program or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for you. If you are predisposed to a medical condition that may be worsened by physical exercise, please do not start this fitness program. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.
If you think you are having a medical or health emergency, call your health care professional, or 911, immediately.
Staff Recommendations

Resource Links - click for drop-down menu
We post new links to our Facebook page throughout the day
- Missing your regular Bridge or Mah-Jongg game? There are lots of free games online. Do a google search for free online bridge games (or mahjongg) and find one you like. Some that were suggested are:
- AJC has created a series of educational webinars called Advocacy Anywhere powered by AJC
- chaiflicks.com For lovers of Jewish entertainment and culture. $5.99 a month or $66 a year after 30-day free trial
- Full List of TED talks
- Online Mindfulness and Meditation Classes
- Norah Jones | Patience
- Join us for our first Bender JCC Virtual Book Club – “House on Endless Waters” by Emuna Elon
Watch the replay password: 9t.1=9Ze
Special Needs Resources

Resource Links - click for drop-down menu
- Wednesdays at 10 AM | Support Group for Parents of Adult Children with Developmental Disabilities
- Meredith Polsky and Arlen Gaines- books and free downloadable stories about difficult topics for children and teens with autism
- Online live and recorded activity sessions
- Tips for parents of children with disabilities
- Free Printable routine charts
- School Closure Toolkit – Easterseals Illinois Autism Partnership
- Boardmaker is a complete special education platform that supports education, communication, access and social/emotional needs of students. (Free 30-day subscription)
- COVID-19 Resources for people with disabilities
Take Out Days

Take Out Day
Tired of cooking? We certainly are. Do you want to support local restaurants and the Bender JCC during this difficult time? We do too. Join us for “Take-Out Days” where the Bender JCC will partner with a different local restaurant – kosher, non-kosher, and everything in between – for a “win-win-win” night:
- You get to support the JCC (% of sales to benefit the Bender JCC)
- You get to support a local restaurant
- You don’t have to cook
Shouk is coming to the JCC! Thursday, July 23 at 5 PM